krista, i have a feeling i'm not in westwood anymore

"before i speak, i have something important to say"
i LOVE writing mass emails. i really do. on more than one occasion i've been told (advised really) "IRVING, JUST WRITE A DAMN BLOG and quit taking up so much space in peoples' inboxes will you?!"
you can't put a price tag on that kind of poetry. i've also been (occasionally) encouraged to beef up my questionable laundry habits, but hey, where's the fun in that?
anyway, this blog is dedicated to my life A.S.R. (After Sunset Rec). since i'm no longer a lifeguard, most of the pix & stories will pertain to 'mi vida loca...uh, nueva' down here in mexico. at least initially. i've secured a job through the ESS and CENS depts at ucla and caltech as a seismological research assistant. it's cool 'n all. the ladies lose all their inhibitions around me because of it (respect a country's cultural uniqueness, is what i preach), but more than that, it helps fund the new vice on which my current lifestyle is predicated: tequila.
kidding, of course. i'm still a smirnoff kinda guy. you know it. holler!
i chose these as my first pix because i just COULDN'T believe what i witnessed when i first got here! i still can't. it's a travesty. a desecration, really. worse than dogs playing's dudes playing 'futbol' on the hallowest of hallowed grounds, a BASKETBALL court! dios mio. you can see why tequila suddenly became so appealing. think i need another drink. barkeep?
is this what happens when north meets south?
No Irving, you aren't in Westwood anymore. Wake up and smell the smog!! You're in Mexico City- the city of.... Mexicans? I don't know. I miss you though.
Big Daddy,
I miss you like you miss basketball-- except putting a g-string on a basketball and making it bounce doesn't nearly give off the same "warm and fuzzy" feeling inside.
Keep blogging because, without your e-mails and posts, I will be relegated to reading Jamie's 129387298374 KB E-MAILS TYPED IN ALL CAPS WITH THREE ATTACHMENTS THAT CLOG UP MY INBOX. (Crap, I forgot to spell all the words wrong in the previous sentence. BTW, she wore spandex today. My goodness, I think I might have been jealous of blind people for that split second before I managed to turn my head away and attempt to regain my sanity.)
Anyway, you take care of yourself and come back to us ASAP!
Your #1 gal.
Hombre Aranya, I thought you went to Mexico? So how does it feel to be around your peeps? Do you understand them? If you don't you are always welcomed to call me & maybe Daniella will be available to translate ;o}
So am glad to hear that you are having a good time & that the natives play basketball if you say "puedo hugar con ustedes" they may let you play :o} Love making fun of my way older brother.
Well all is well love hearing from you, when you get a chance can you send me your street address again so I can try & send you some stuff.
Love always you lil sis Arleen
P.S yu forgot Daniella's b-day 2-2
I'm sorry, but if you came to Estonia and you didn't swing by Dutchland on your way, I'd be one sad Californian (or Brit, as my blog IDs me as). So count yourself lucky that you're waking up in Mexico. ;)
Keep us updated on your adventures, etc. And, by the way, you've inspired me to start reblogging. So I owe you one.
You rock. ::High five.::
Usted viajó toda la manera a México al extremo para arriba con el mismo jeep crappy (no obstante en un diverso color). Su tratante del equipo debe ser tiro.
Alegre ver cosas se están resolviendo.
Por cerca, ningún mexicano verdadero admite a tener gusto de Smirnoff.
Muchacho de Tequila, tequila.
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