ok, so i drank the water...

and i ate the food.
and i had a second helping of 'the water'.
but that was only to help wash down this rather tasty, nondescript pastry that was practically shoved into my hands.
i even took the time to visit the family dog on the way out. he had my hat afterall.
* * * * *
i just returned from huejutla. it's this quaint little pueblo nestled in the sierra madre mountains about 7 hrs northeast of mexico city. the elevation there is an endurance athlete's dream and perfect for any aspiring ironbruins. the scenery is breathtaking, to say the least.
as we finished up at a particular site, a grandmother living nearby invited us in to have dinner with her. she was SO excited to have 'some pretty important people from the U.S. visit her humble little pueblo' that she insisted we come inside.
haven't had that wonderful a moment since i was scheduled to lifeguard the womens' club polo team. go bruins!
wary of possible contagions, my co-workers barely touched their plates, but i did. it's funny how the munchies override coherent thought. i also drank the water. and i ate the food. i wolfed down the succulent dessert...and then i drank some MORE water. hey, when in mexico, right? i came out relatively fine from that experience, just got a little gas that's all but that's what happens to me whenever i drink water from anywhere which is why i try to stick to known quantities such as coke or pepsi. burp. but more than that, i enjoyed maybe the best meal i've had thus far. even better than the steak dinner i had at hooters the other day.
although the waitresses at that fine establishment are a different matter altogether and worthy of their OWN story. maybe even their own magazine.
How long ago did you have this meal? Maybe you should re-post in another day or so. You know, confirm you're still healthy.
No pain, no gain.... that's what some guy said. I bet our boy Lance would have eaten that food and partaken of the water too. Unfortunately, he couldn't make it to the race today! It was fun- next year you should be ther with me!
You've gone from seducing old ladies at Fit Center South to seducing old ladies in Mexico?
Go Irving.
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