it was only a cookie

i was 8 yrs old.
so were most of the other kids in my class.
i mention this because i could almost swear there was a 'kid' in our class who was already shaving by then. i think he even had a part-time job at the local auto shop, but that was only to help put himself through school.
and to pay off his bookie.
times were obviously simpler and purer back then.
* * * *
i was starting second grade at this new school, immaculate heart of mary.
(ahhhh, the i.h.m. FOND memories for ALL us poor souls that were fortunate(?) to go there)
it was a private catholic elementary school, replete with colorful irish brogues that went by the names sister ann, sister catherine and sister mary, to name a few (and, judging by the size of their God fearing wooden rulers, had just come from the emerald isle), basketball-wise priests and this ornery janitor straight out of some bad, 70's sitcom who just showered everyone with his less-than charming personality.
in fact, i still quiver everytime i go by the 'cleaning supplies' section at the nearby super mart.
* * * *
my mom, up till then, had been shopping around for the 'ideal institution' in which to put her five children.
i don't know if she eventually tired of the search for the 'perfect school' or if she, after having laid eyes on this school's uniquely tacky uniform, honestly came to the conclusion that this particular school's wardrobe answer to the 'razberry awards' actually equated to a better education.
i really don't know, but maybe we can trace the genesis of my fashion stunted genes to this specific locale. hopefully.
i knew no one coming in. it was tough, but i tried sucking it up. i was used to being a lone wolf. a rambling man. and i was fully prepared, at the ripe old age of 8, to lead out the remainder of my singular existance as just that, an island. and then it happened, just as my class lined up by the water fountains near the cafeteria.
a brave soul ventured forth, broke through my stalwart barrier and offered the gift of friendship. we sealed this newfound companionship as only two 8 yr olds could, through the miraculous wonder of a dessert filled packed lunch.
his dessert, for that matter.
we broke cookie that day and have been best of friends ever since.
* * * * *
in case you were wondering, i brougt the m&m's the following day.
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If memory serves, it was an Oreo cookie. No big deal in sharing the cookie. Do you know what are in those things?!
Besides, I needed minions.
Even though we joke about it, having the same best friend for 26 years is an accomplishment. We've been friends longer than some people have been married.
As my sister says, we've been friends longer than some of the girls we've dated have been alive. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I've just added you to my humble friends list on my blog, so now you HAVE to update more often. No pressure. :P
So, did you ever make it to Estonia??
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